Daffodils from Dials - or - Midi for great Real World Controllers
We had some good tech/art fun with a workshop at the Hope Center creating midi controlled, robot drawn, but human enhanced, algorithmic...
Whats your favourite Theremin Oscillator? and Other Popular Questions...
It seemed like that whole way a Theremin behaves - instantly, sensitively, mysteriously over space, etc, would be a good thing for...
Fixing it all with string and sticky tape
There's a huge variety of amazingly powerful and super low cost devices available these days. Very capable single board computers, highly...
(almost) All About the Bass - pt. 2
...The previous post gave a way to study low frequencies. Now here's some handy practical consequences. Two plugins with a total of zero...
(not quite) All About The Bass - pt.1
The low frequency part of the sound spectrum is full of opportunities and bum pains. It can convey very visceral energy. It causes...
Classic Compression (also...)
Recent projects at Pokey Sticks have needed a big twist of the Feisty, Phat, Classic dial. Several interesting Technological Things have...
A very nice new limiter!
I recently realised that my favourite mastering limiter, apart from the obvious effects of compression also took away a little bit of...
Less Clear is the new In Focus
In graphic design, I've seen the idea expressed that there is a continuum from emotive to descriptive (or specific), and a given image...
Little Robot Arms
As part of a project, I found I needed to control the strings of a guitar with actual little robot mechanisms. For the benefit of those...
Non-Mathematical Microtones
A sound can be a sound and a sound can be music and the difference is in how we choose to hear it. At least, take that as my working...